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Quick and ‘EZ’ Financial Assistance for Our Delmarva Neighbors

Established in 2001, EZ Loans, Inc. has remained under the ownership and operation of a local Delmarva family for over 20 years. We prioritize transparency and education, ensuring customers understand their options and make informed decisions. Our commitment to affordability is unwavering, with highly competitive rates, exclusive specials, and discounts. At EZ Loans, you can expect a personalized experience where our dedicated team knows you by name.

Got Questions? Check Out Our FAQs!

We are committed to providing our customers with upfront and transparent services. We want you to feel comfortable working with our team, and part of that includes answering your burning questions. If you don’t see your answer here, you are welcome to contact our staff:

An installment loan is an option for covering unforeseen expenses. It allows you to repay the loan in equal installments over time, offering flexibility by spreading the payments across a longer duration.

You must provide your most recent bank statement (unless you have online banking), along with your two most recent pay stubs, identification, a debit card, and a check. Please refer to the requirements page for a full list.

First-time customers can borrow up to $5,000!

Our interest rates vary depending on the product, so please call us, and we will find the most affordable solution for you. An ‘Itemization of Charges‘ can be found on our Requirements page.

Your payment due dates will align with your pay dates.

We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, Money Orders, and Cash.

You will receive your funds immediately upon approval. It’s as simple as that!

Absolutely. There are no penalties for early repayment. We also encourage you to pay a little extra with each payment to save on interest over time.

We do not use FICO® credit scores. Instead, we utilize an alternative system that considers various factors to help you secure the funds you need. We welcome customers with credit challenges to apply with us!

Certainly. Bring in your payment history and payoff amount from any higher-interest competitors (including title loans!), and we will consolidate your loans into a flexible repayment schedule with affordable payments.

Clear Communication: Your Path to Financial Success

Clear, timely, and transparent communication from lenders is paramount in nurturing trust and fostering a healthy financial relationship. It facilitates borrowers’ understanding of the terms and conditions of loans, ensuring they know their obligations and responsibilities. We pride ourselves on effective communication, helping you navigate your financial hardship and receive a solution. Our open dialogue policy has helped countless customers feel comfortable and safe working with us. For optimal lending services, trust our team today.